Even though I work from home now, I still love Fridays! I started my day as I usually do: bright and early with a cup of lemon and honey tea. I am usually too tired and groggy to bother with a photo of my tea, but Friday I somehow had the will. I started drinking lemon and honey teas when I went off caffeine. I’ve discovered that I really like strong-flavoured honeys. This “Tasmanian Leatherwood Honey” is very earthy and aromatic. It wakes me up!
After tea and a bit of email catch-up, it was Bircher breakfast time (and some more Dickens, of course). Things felt a little rushed because Tim and I were signed up to take a “Becoming Self Employed” course at the Home Office. I almost left the house without flipping the No Knead Loaf that I had started the night before!

With the dough flipped we were off to learn about bookkeeping and taxes from 10am to 1pm. I had a few nuts and some water at about noon to tie me over til lunch. By the time we got home at 2ish, I was ravenous! Luckily, leftovers were close at hand. It took me about three minutes to assemble this salad of mixed leaves, blanched broccoli, leftover red rice salad and chickpeas.
All the while I baked a loaf of bread. This is our stock 100% Whole Wheat No Knead Bread with a seeded crust. I’ve been adding olive oil to the baking pot which results in a nice crispy crust. Inside, the crumb was moist and light. Another success!

I’m now seeing what a food-obsessed day Friday was. After lunch and bread, I took a quick trip to our local green grocer for part of our week’s groceries (the stuff we can’t get at the farmer’s market). This is about five day’s worth of food for two people – corn, tomatoes, bananas, cucumber, onions, broccoli, eggplant, peppers, lemons, kiwi, grapefruit, rocket/arugula, chilies. I will acquire all of my greens, salad leaves and apples at the farmer’s market. Yes, we eat a lot of veggies! (Life of a vegetarian!) For reference, this pile of food cost £15.
Shortly after 5pm we went to our local pub for a Friday pint before dinner. I had my usual, a half pint of Hoegaarden, while Tim had his usual, a pint of Staropramen. It felt like ages since we went out for a quiet beer together. It was nice!
We usually go out to dinner of Friday but I had sort of blown my eating out wad at Rasa on Wednesday, so I cooked The Roast Veggie Meal. Basically, eggplant, red romano peppers, garlic, chillies, green tomatoes, red cherry tomatoes, lots of olive oil and thyme, roasted for a good long time. We ate this with bread and rocket. And a little red wine. SO good.
MMM that makes me hungry.