Another day, another crepe, another scramble, another piece of pumpkin pie: fuel for the fire that propelled me to Canary Wharf on my bicycle in the afternoon. I needed it – the 12 mile round trip was windy, but relatively flat. I travelled to this nether region of London for a client meeting. If it were ever warm in London, I may have arrived sweaty and disgusting. But any hint of perspiration was quickly wicked away by the breeze. Despite the wind and the work, the bike ride was ok. I’ll take it over the bus (or the gym) any day.
Diary for Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Fruity crepes with yogurt

Recipe: Buckwheat crepes
Smoky grilled tempeh with salad and quinoa

Bike Ride
A 12-mile round trip journey to Canary Wharf of all places. Meetings.
Emergency nuts
After the bike ride and the meeting, I was ravenous. It was a good thing I packed my emergency nuts! Almonds were the name of the game, and I put them in my pocket to nibble on as I cycled home.
Scrambled tofu with avocado on toast and sauteed rainbow chard

Recipe: Tofu Scramble
More pumpkin pie – with more and more whipped cream

Recipe: Pumpkin Pie