This post comes to you a little late, but for wonderful reasons. I was tied up last night at an Indian restaurant in Vauxhall doing something BETTER than simply EATING delicious Indian food – I was WATCHING delicious Indian food be cooked by Raj and his wonderful staff at Hot Stuff restaurant.
Be sure to read my previous post about Hot Stuff. I promise videos AND a new dal recipe.
But first, check out the great food day I had on Wednesday. Is it possible to eat TOO much dal? I don’t think so.
Diary for Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Feeling better today, but still not 100%. A good sleep helped, aided by night time cold medicine. So did a swim!
Another easy swim in the healing waters of Clissold Leisure Centre. I did 1250 meters over the course of about 40 minutes. So, REALLY slow. It was great though – I actually felt the most energetic I’ve been all day in the pool. And it definitely cleared my head.
Bircher Muesli with Bananas and Yogurt

And a nice pot of Rooibos tea to go with my new book: World Made by Hand
by James Kuntsler (gotta love that name).
Indian leftovers: dal and raita. Plus a salad and a piece of toast with avocado.

I put the leftover raita ON the salad. It was a perfect salad dressing!
My version of RSS: Real Simple Snacking.

Carrots, butter beans, and pickles

I didn’t want to go too crazy on the snacks today because we had dinner plans with The Damp Cad (i.e. Stu) at “Hot Stuff” in Vauxhall. “Hot Stuff” is an Indian restaurant I’ve been DYING to go to after Stu’s recommendation:
Hot stuff is LEGENDARY! … I’ve been such a long time customer that we’ll get various freebies chucked in PLUS!! If you ask nicely and go early enough you can go into the kitchens and watch your order be cooked.
HOT STUFF: chutney, papudum, bhajis, chili paneer, split channa masala, spinach and butternut squash curry, sliced cabbage, naan, beer

Read all about my Hot Stuff Experience at this post and don’t forget to check out my photos and videos!
TASTY. That’s so cool you got to watch it all happen! I’d really like to do that.
Here’s the trick – just tell the restaurant staff that you’re a writer and they’ll just about bend over backwards for you. They might even throw in some freebies. =)