Michael Hyatt seems to have found the perfect headphones for runners: the Sennheiser Sport Headphones. The key to their greatness? No slippage.
Here’s an excerpt from his review:
I’ve tried nearly everything. Neither the standard-issue headphones that come with the iPod nor a pair of high-end Shure headphones worked. In the end, gravity prevailed and the headphones fell out. This got to be quite a nuisance.
Finally, someone recommended to me a set of Sennheiser sport headphones. They retail for $49.95, but I found them on Amazon for $31.28. As you can see from the photo above, they hang over your ears, thus making it impossible for them to fall out.
Link (via Lifehacker)
All well and good, but when are they going to come up with something that can be worn by people who wear hearing aids? Having these ‘appliances’ (god, how I hate that word!) between the sound and my head made me give up the idea of portable sound long ago. Population’s aging, folks, and many a boomer is going to want to listen to the music he brought with him to the home.
Excellent point, Cam. A quick Google turned up a company called “Connevans” which seems to make accessories that allow people with hearing aids to listen to devices that takes regular stereo headphones (computer, iPod, etc).
http://www.connevans.com/solutions/headphones.shtml“ rel=”nofollow”>You may find their FAQ helpful.