I hope you don’t mind this slight deviation from our usual theme. This post is about a few things: writing, starting your own business, web development, and freedom from the nine-to-five. If any of those things interest you, then read on. If not, I hope you’ll read anyway because I like you and think you’re cool.
Here’s the story: a couple months ago I quit my job at a bank to pursue freelance writing full-time. A few people recommended I create a website version of my portfolio containing my writing samples, resume, contact info, etc. Even though I’m not a boob when it comes to HTML, I didn’t want to waste precious writing time building a website. I searched the net for a good website template but couldn’t find what I was after. In the end I used WordPress, which was way more than I needed but it got the job done.
Having my own website turned out to be incredibly useful. After I pitched my idea about endorphins and runners high to a newspaper, the editor wrote back to ask for some samples. I sent him a link to my website and a couple hours later he gave me the commission. Whoa, I’m a writer!
While all this was happening, Tim and I were brainstorming ways to make an independent income so we never have to get real jobs again. My success gave us a bright idea: how about a service for writers that lets them build an online portfolio similar to my own?
Thus, Writer’s Residence was born. The site lets writers create a website for their career with pages for writing samples, a resume, contact information, and a biography. You create the website in your web browser, so you don’t need to download anything and it works on all operating systems. Plus, we host the site, so it’s really easy to get rolling with a web page.
So if you’re wondering why things have been quiet around here lately, it’s because I’ve been busy marketing this thing. Feel free to check out Writer’s Residence and let me know what you think.
Better yet, check out my own writing website and hire me to write for you. 🙂
Thanks for reading this far! I’m done with the shameless self promotion (for now). I promise: more Smarter Fitter goodness is coming soon.
[Update from Tim] I would like to note that Monica is blogging about writing at http://writersresidence.com/blog – so if you like her writing here you might well like her writing there too. You can subscribe to that feel here: http://writersresidence.com/blog.atom
Writer’s Residence: The online portfolio for writers!
Writing Blog at Writer’s Residence
Monica Shaw: Freelance writer extraordinaire!
you KNOW this struggling writer loves it.
Hi Monica
Wow that is a great idea. I am always surprised to see how many people are now serious about pursuing self-employment on the web and how many actually profit from it. That is exactly what me and my husband are into as well, except I have not quit my day day job YET – I need to start bringing in some income first 🙂
But writing is my passion no doubt about it and you have a great idea going here! With the right thinking, success is a given.
P.S thank you very much for the feedback on my site too!
I would like to note that Monica is blogging about writing at http://writersresidence.com/blog – so if you like her writing here you might well like her writing there too. You can subscribe to that feed here: http://writersresidence.com/blog.atom