And so the harbinger of Weird Wednesday, Kavey Favelle, inspires yet another post. This time, two of my favourite food loves – pickled things and frozen things – come together as one in the weirdest popsicle I’ve ever had the pleasure to ingest. And yes, I do mean pleasure: frozen pickle juice in lollipop form is surprisingly delicious. It’s a Kavey invention, and she was here at the cottage last weekend with her hubs Pete (of Pete Drinks) and our comrade Marie (from Lanyon Cottages) for a reunion of the “fab four” from our Seafood Holiday in Cornwall last June (thank you Food Travel Company).
In the most fascinating of stories, I bought some terrific pickles at Lidl (yes, Lidl) and Kavey convinced me not to waste the juice by turning them into frozen lollies (see her recipe for Pickleback Ice Lollies) The picture above reflects my pessimism about the whole thing. But as you can see from the empty lolly sticks, the pickle pops are bizarrely delicious, and super refreshing on a hot day.
I can’t say I invented pickle juice ice lollies, though had only seen one mention of them when I decided to have a go. But I’ve not seen any other posts about my pickleback version (gherkin brine + bourbon) so perhaps that was a Kavey invention. Of course, so often when we think we’re first, we learn that others were there way before us. I knew, after I saw how much you loved the pickles that you’d like these!
Such a wonderful weekend!
I knew as I soon as I typed “invented” that it was probably an overstatement, but in my world, the pickle lolly is all you. A wonderful weekend, indeed.