Monica at age 10:
a budding coke addict
It’s been over four weeks since I first felt the tickle in my throat that turned into the weirdest, worstest cold-like lurgee that I’ve ever had. The theory is I have whooping cough, an illness charactarised by severe coughing attacks that often end in difficulty to breath in air (hence the “whoop” sound). All the signs listed at the Mayo Clinic suggest whooping cough:
- Severe coughing attacks that bring up thick phlegm
- Coughing attacks that end with a high-pitched “whoop” sound during the next breath of air
- You may even bruise or break a rib if your coughing episodes are severe.
- Coughing may be worse at night.
- Over-the-counter cough medicines have little effect
- A case of whooping cough usually resolves in six weeks but may last longer.
I’m heading into week five of this bullshit and things are finally starting to look up. My energy is coming back and the coughs are far fewer and far between. Best of all, the strain in my ribs has eased up and I’m swimming again.
But what does this have to do with soda??
I don’t know about you guys, but when I’m sick, I lose all will to better any part of myself except my immune system. I’ve been trying to lay off the diet soda for a while now, but when I started whooping, my mind instantly went “screw it, I want soda, and I want lots of it.” I even started buying 2L bottles of Diet 7-UP and Coke Zero instead of 500mL bottles (at least I haven’t stopped being economical).
Then, a few days ago, No Calories Needed announced that he had consumed his “last Diet Mountain Dew.” His reasons made total sense:
I’m tired of wasting money on soda when tap water is free.
I’m tired of dealing with sugar and caffeine highs.
I need to drink water – and when I drink sodas, I don’t feel like drinking water.
This must have inspired me because I haven’t bought a diet soda since. And since I’m feeling better (whoop, there it is), why not draw a real line in the sand: I’m not drinking any more diet soda from this point forward. “PERIOD!”
Brian says
I have been off soda since September ’05. I used to polish off 6 cans a day and it became a HUGE part of my weight gain. I have not had an urge, I knew soda was the main offender aside from not exercising. I am now 100 pounds lighter and fitter, not at all wanting soda. Cold Turkey, enough said.
monica says
Brian, thanks for your feedback. It helps to know that the cravings DO subside. Nice work on your nearly THREE YEARS of being pop-free but more than that, 100 pounds lighter is incredible! You must feel amazing.
Leisureguy says
How could you get whooping cough? Haven’t you been vaccinated? Just curious.“ rel=”nofollow”>It’s a serious disease. Take care; get well.
I dropped soda pop from my diet as soon as I retired: no soda machine at home. 🙂
Brent says
Oh wow i know how hard it is. I am serverly addicted to code red diet mountain dew. I will go through 8 in a day easily. I kid you not. When i quit i actually get sick (light headed & headaches). I try to cut my soda down but it never works. I always go back. I probably need to just quit cold turkey. The problem i have with water is taste. I love what i have to drink to have a taste to it. Yes juice is good for youu and all but with how much i drink i would get extremely fat. I don’t think the flavored diet drinks are that much better than water. Most of them have aspertame which is really the bad part of diet soda.
Leisureguy says
I have found that flavoring a quart of water with a splash of juice makes it tasty enough—just a splash of lemon juice helps, but often I’ll pour in a little cranberry juice (unsweetened pure cranberry) or pomegranate juice. Also, putting a teabag or two in a quart of water and letting it steep overnight in the fridge makes a pleasant drink, again with a little lemon juice.
monica says
@Leisureguy – I am going to have to hassle my parents about the vaccination. I’ve met two other adults who’ve had it so I guess it’s not a babies-only thing. Thank you for the well wishes. I am past the worst of it! Re the juice – that’s a very good idea. What kind of tea do you use for iced tea?
@Brent – I feel for you. I used to be a straight up Mountain Dew addict in college (that and the beer assured no escape from the Freshman Fifteen). I find water fairly boring, as well, but people swear to me that if I drink enough of it, I’ll learn to like it.
Leisureguy says
I usually use a couple of bags of green tea, but Celestial Seasonings has a broad selection of flavors. Some go well with a lime or lemon squeezed in with the tea. I like it very diluted—flavored water, in effect. You can also throw in some mint leaves…
monica says
Mint! Of course! Which reminds me… cucumber and strawberries are also nice.
Leisureguy says
I have a recipe for a wine punch (somewhere) that uses cucumber peel. You leave the peel in the punch for about 10 minutes, then remove. It imparts an interesting and elusive flavor.
Leisureguy says“ rel=”nofollow”>Here’s an idea: watermelon juice.