The few plants living outside enjoyed a welcome dose of rain last night and this morning. Everything is looking a little more alive.
I’ve already been making use of my humble herb garden. I’m all about the fresh oregano lately, especially in salads.
Meanwhile, the rocket and spinach are coming along, though not sure what to make of the reddish/pink veins in my rocket. Maybe that’s just the variety?
I also have radishes on the go.
Inside is sprout central: French beans, tomatoes, onions, tomatillos, cucumber, melon, serranos, jalapenos, pepperoncinis… have I gone overboard?
The French beans are looking ready to go outside, but I’m worried – we still have very cool mornings, almost bordering on frosty. I would hate to lose my precious beans to a cold snap. What do you do? How do you know when it’s ready to plant out seedlings? Yes, I could just read my copy of Joy Larkom’s Grow Your Own Vegetables, but if I can learn from you folks, all the better.
I've never seen rocket that looks like that…!
It's always really tricky knowing when it's safe to plant stuff out. To play it really safe you want to wait til mid June, but I never do! I've had French beans outside for a while now, but in a more rural area or if you're on low ground it might be a different matter. Mind you, we had a temp of -2C the other night and the beans didn't seem to mind, so maybe they're a bit hardier than we think anyway…
Hi Monica – it's your new social media consultant contact again!
I have to agree it doesn't look like rocket.
Here in Sussex I hardly ever harden things off nowadays, and have started to plant a few things out. It's a tricky decision, and one of these days I'm sure I'll get caught out. Meanswhile, let's just keep an eye out for those night-time temps.
I planted a new herb bed last year!
Nome / DMin – the rocket seed is the 'mild cultivated rocket' from The Real Seed Catalogue, though the picture shown on their website doesn't have those red marks. I'll tell you what does look like rocket, though, is this stuff which is growing like a weed. I did grow rocket last year in a tray, and I guess the seeds got scattered about, or maybe got into my compost? Because I am finding it everywhere… in the raised bed… in containers. Best kind of weed, IMHO. 🙂
Yesterday I planted out one of my French bean plants, just to see what happens. Hopefully it won't mind taking one for the team. 😉
DMinTransition – let's see this herb garden!