Hmm, I think my new goal should be to blog frequently enough so that I don’t have two Weird Wednesday posts in a row. But that’s the way it is this week, and today I bring you another Cornish delight: Jelbert’s Ice Cream. The photo isn’t the only weird part of this post: Jelbert’s serves their ice cream in a very special way. They make only one flavour: vanilla (homemade on the premises). Now here’s the weird part: they serve it topped with a splooge of clotted cream. That’s not just weird, it’s totally extreme. And surprisingly, it works. Jelbert’s ice cream isn’t terribly rich, but the clotted cream more than makes up for it.
And for bonus weirdness: Jelbert’s doesn’t even have a website. They don’t need one. They have been around decades and are a Newlyn institution with oodles of fans. Their signage reflects two things: (1) their age and (2) how good they must be to have stuck around this long without ever updating their shop.
How funny, we went to Newlyn last summer. The ice cream down there is the best.
I personally find vanilla rather ho-hum. But my hubby, on the contrary, loves it. I think I am going to be fine though because of the clotted cream. We will make sure to try this if ever we find ourselves in Newlyn.
And it was even better in the early morning after the 6.30 am fish market tour!