Every time I visit Chicago, I think I’ll have all sorts of time to relax with my writing. But once I get here, I realize all the things I have to catch up on with my family and friends, that I don’t get much time to hunker down with my laptop for hours on end. So I’m declaring myself on vacation. Which reminds me…
I say I’m visiting Chicago, but that’s somewhat misleading. Usually I spend very little time in the City itself but instead head to my mom’s hideaway at Woodsmoke in Illinois’ equivalent of “countryside” (i.e. cornfields galore and flat as far as the eye can see). That’s where I was last weekend, and tomorrow I’m heading further afield towards Iowa for some camping before going to a friend’s wedding in Dubuque.
Now, before I start obsessing over checklists and campfire recipes, here’s a few snaps from a recent trip to the stables where my mom keeps her horses. This is “Aurthur”, a gentle giant who used to be a carriage horse. He wanted to groom me.
Tim Harding says
Arthur looks like a friendly guy. Did that feel weird?
Sagan says
Hehehe those photos are adorable. Enjoy your vacation!
Mom says
Ha ha, love these photos! And Arthur loved YOU! He remembered you when you returned a few days later…
Ah yes, Woodsmoke … my little retreat in the woods. I’m so glad you love going there as much as I do. And I’m glad you have had the best night’s sleep of your LIFE while staying there… !
mangocheeks says
Hey what you doing. I’ve just got back and your away…
Ah thats okay. Enjoy your holidays/vacation.
Arthurs a handsome fella. I guess you didn’t mind too much being groomed by him 😀
Monica says
Aurthur is VERY friendly and yes, very handsome. His attempt at grooming me felt kind of good, actually… though it got a little too close when I could feel his teeth!