Rumor has it this is a favorite practice of London’s Serpentine Running Club: go for a long run, then refuel at the pub with lots of lager.
Sounds like the worst thing you could do after a run, but a dubious study conducted at Granada University suggests that beer after a workout is better for re-hydration than plain ol’ water.
The only reasons why this is worth mentioning is that Crabby McSlacker has a hilarious commentary on the whole thing:
Crabby’s pretty sure she’s read Real Studies that said the same good things about beer before. She’s just too
lazybusy doing important things to go look them up. Anyway, it seems totally reasonable to believe good things about beer, in moderation, because beer is so darn likable. (Especially if it’s Real Beer with actual Beer Flavor and not the mass-marketed watery excuse for beer that we often settle for in this country).
So why won’t she try this at home?
Crabby has decided after years of taking studies at face value that often the ones that come up with suprising new information completely out of the blue often turn out to be wrong. So she’ll wait awhile before taking this one too seriously.
Hashers have been doing this since 1938. Also before, during the workout.
At the Coors (employee) Fitness Center in Golden, Colorado, they have Coors Light on tap 🙂
Somehow that doesn’t surprise me about the Coors company. BTW, nice blog – I enjoyed your posts about leeks. They are a mystery to me, too, but the English seem to like buying 3 or 4 at a time at the farmer’s market. What am I missing?