I’m guest-blogging today on dietsinreview.com. Check out my post for a tasty recipe for vegan Bolognese sauce. But I can’t really take credit for this one – the recipe is entirely Tim’s doing. The man has a talent for TVP and tomatoes. I am very lucky.
Here’s an excerpt from my post…
Still, there comes a time in every vegetarian’s life when no other meal will do but pasta. But pasta is no longer the carbo-loaded, out-of-a-jar meal that it used to be. These days, I kick up my pasta sauce with a little TVP to give my pasta a much-needed protein kick….
Spaghetti and vegan Bolognese (affectionately called “Spag Bowl” in my household) is one of my go-to meals for quick dinners. Prep time is less than 5 minutes and cooking time is around 20. Packed with high-quality protein and carbs, it’s the perfect dinner to fuel your morning workout.
It’s true. We eat this about once a week and it just keeps getting better and better. Spag Bowl is also great for camping!

Cool! Healthy & tasty vegetarian fare 🙂
And easy!! 🙂