Do you wish you had a personal trainer but don’t have the money to hire one? Getfitpod may be able to help…
Getfitpod is a podcast that features specially designed workouts in addition to other information about fitness, diet and health. I’m impressed by the number and variety of workouts they have available for free download, such as treadmill training, stretching, strength training and interval training. No Calories Needed has wonderful things to say about the interval routine:
The routine from Get Fit Pod kicked my butt. I managed to do MOST of the routine, but the two longest sessions, where Skip asked us to run as fast as we could for a full 2 minutes, right in the middle of the routine, just killed me. I managed to go 1:45 for the first all out interval and 1:30 for the second. Other than that, I managed to keep up with him. And now, hours later, I can STILL feel the effects. Amazing.
Know of any other fitness podcasts worth recommending? Let us know in the comments!