Last June I blogged about the 100 Pushup Challenge with the sincere intention of joining you all in the effort. Well, after a summer of silly mishaps*, I’ve finally recuperated enough to hit the floor and push my way up to a hundred. I’m currently on my second round of week 2 (I wasn’t ready for week 3 after the second exhaustion test) but I’m not discouraged. In fact, I’m totally digging the program. I love that the plan is laid out for me, all I have to do is show up, and it’s super easy to fit a few push-ups into the day. I guess it’ll be a little time consuming once I’m up to sets of 15+, but my brain seems to like the singular challenge of doing one type of exercise in a session. The time commitment doesn’t really phase me.
The ultra nice thing is that I don’t really see the pushups as exercise; it’s actually kind of fun, especially when I’m well rested and feeling gung-ho. And doing push-ups is a total mind-trip. When I first did the max pushup test, I could barely muster a few. But once I had a few goals put in front of my face, it was far easier to crank out a few more. Getting fit is all about these Jedi mind tricks, isn’t it? I think I can… I think I can… I think I can…
I’m just stoked that I’m doing some resistance exercise again, something I’ve barely touched since I quit the gym. Go me.
Speaking of push-ups, MizFit has a nifty vid on her blog for all you folks who are looking for a challenge. Her advice: get some balls!
* I fell off my bike – ouch! – and then I fell on the pavement – double ouch! The result: bruised ribs and a sad Monica. But I’m all better now!