From Ogbourne St George to Uffington Castle / White Horse Hill (~12.2miles, ~66 miles to go)
Completed on 27 January, 2015.
Totally perfect walking conditions.
Beautiful views, not all of which were of Swindon (learning point: the corduroys work).
Wayland’s Smithy Long Barrow – How have I never been to see this before?!
Rocky reincarnate
New homemade raw bar invention which I’ve named the Raw Orange & Cacao Ridgeway Bar, rated 10/10 by Ridgeway walkers!
Victory pub: The White Horse (totally empty and not serving food but it had a good vibe, a fireplace, and thatch!)
See also:
You’ve made me yearn to get out on this walk asap. Rocky mark 2 – so gorgeous… terrier fan. Beautiful pics.